



Give me the FFF’s Blue Card all day! – By Luke Chadwick

What’s all this about football introducing a new Blue Card that will see players sin-binned for ten minutes if they receive one? At the FFF we’ve been dishing out blue cards for years for very different reasons! At every one of our sessions, our Head Coaches hand out these cards to the child or children […]

A letter to football – By Luke Chadwick

When my football career came to an end it brought about great personal challenges accepting my playing career was at an end. To help get over this I was encouraged to write down my thoughts and feelings, I decided to do this in the form of a letter. I stumbled across this letter on my […]

Football: A broken industry? – Insight from Luke Chadwick

Now I love football, always have and I’m quite sure always will but there are areas of the game that I look at with despair and feel it’s not good enough. One such aspect is the football coaching industry and the prospects of hugely talented and passionate football coaches. It’s an industry where demand vastly […]

My Story – By Luke Chadwick

I know you probably won’t believe this but I very often find it really hard talking about my football career, I get a little awkward and am always very conscious of what other people think, getting worried that I will be perceived as big-headed and arrogant. But once I get going it feels quite natural […]

So many wonderful memories – By Luke Chadwick

The last four and a half years have absolutely flown by here at the FFF, I can’t quite believe how far we’ve moved forward in that time. It has certainly been an exciting start to our journey and like every journey memories have been made along the way so I thought in today’s blog I […]