




My Story – By Luke Chadwick

I know you probably won’t believe this but I very often find it really hard talking about my football career, I get a little awkward and am always very conscious of what other people think, getting worried that I will be perceived as big-headed and arrogant. But once I get going it feels quite natural […]

So many wonderful memories – By Luke Chadwick

The last four and a half years have absolutely flown by here at the FFF, I can’t quite believe how far we’ve moved forward in that time. It has certainly been an exciting start to our journey and like every journey memories have been made along the way so I thought in today’s blog I […]

Stepping out of your comfort zone! – Written by Luke Chadwick

Now as I’m sure you know I used to be a professional footballer as I do talk about it all the time, and why not it’s something I’m very proud of and somewhere I learnt so many lessons. But it was also somewhere I was comfortable, maybe a little bit too comfortable and would very […]

A foundation of strong relationships – By Luke Chadwick

Over the years we have developed some wonderful partnerships at the Football Fun Factory and we are grateful to all those we have worked with both past and present for being part of our journey. From the very start of our journey we have always said the business is all about the relationships we build […]

Try before you buy! – Luke Chadwick explains our 3 Week Free Trial

At the Football Fun Factory we offer every child a three week free trial before signing up to our weekly programmes and so we should, we shouldn’t just expect a parent to sign their little one to our programmes without first seeing if they enjoy it and seeing if they’d like to continue. It’s my […]